Contact Us
Contact us
- [email protected]
- +1 867-669-0242
- +1 867-669-0242
- IBSGroupCanada
- ibsgroupcanada
- ibsgroupcanada
- ibsgroupcanada
PO BOX 20072, 4910-50th
Street, Yellowknife,
NT X1A 3X8
Sinna Street Building,
#208 Iqaluit,
NU X0A 0H0
210 – 1829 54 Street
SE Calgary
AB T2B 1N5
208-7238 137 Street
Surrey BC
V3W 1V3

ShareFile is a tool and secured platform to inter-share your files between you and Innovative Business Solutions
Are you an IBS Staff?
Please keep you User ID and Password handy. Please e-mail your requirement to your supervisor who will forward the requisition to the in-house ShareFile system administrator to get you the requested access.
Are you a Client?
This is hassle-free for you. Please contact your File Lead or Manager, Operational Support (867-669-0242), who will assist you to get access to the ShareFile.
What you need to do?
- You are required to save your document in a particular folder of which you have been given access to.
- You can simply drag and drop or import any document to the folder you have been given access to.